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Monday-Thursday: 7:30-15:30
Freday: 7:30-13:30
Climate and environment
Martin Høft A/S Rolgros (MH) is engaged in the production and sale of injection moulded standard plastic articles, which are sold to a large number of customers throughout Europe.
We therefore find it natural, as an integral part of our everyday life, to also take an interest in the environment we are in on a daily basis and not least how it affects our surroundings and employees.
It is not new for us to think about the internal conditions in our company. But as the development unfolds in the world, we find it important also to share our environment and working environment policies with our partners, suppliers, and customers as well as other stakeholders.
We are an energy-intensive production company, which is why we have made various investments in green energy over the years.
From 2003-2019 we owned a share of a wind farm at Samsoe and since 2021 we have been the majority shareholder in the solar park "Sol over Brenderup".
In July 2023, we have also set solar cells on our production and warehouse roof into operation.
MH was among the first 100 in Denmark to complete the program: Climate-ready production company under DI (Danish Industry).
We are not certified, but in 2016 we were ISO 14001/OHSAS 18001 certified, and we adhere to those standards even today.
It has been confirmed by our subcontractors that no Russian steel is included in our metal parts.
We have planted fruit trees and other vegetation around our company. The ground is covered with wood chips from the conifers that used to stand in the grounds.
We continuously work to:
-minimize environmental impact throughout the company.
-comply with Danish environment and working environment legislation as a minimum.
- make the best use of auxiliary and raw materials, including allocating the lowest possible impact on the environment during use and disposal.
- maintain efficient sorting of waste for recycling.
-take into account the environmental and working environment impacts of new purchases and changes to work or production processes.
- promote the understanding and responsibility of our employees for the environment, including involving all employees in the daily process of preventing environmental incidents, and accidents.
- Together with OSH representatives, improve and broaden the concepts of "an inclusive workplace and OSH". Include the psychological work environment.
- motivate our suppliers and customers to be environmentally conscious.
-carry out an ongoing evaluation and audit of our products and production, to follow the environmental development continuously and in this regard translate our environment and working environment policy into concrete objectives that create continuous improvements.
Monday-Thursday: 7:30-15:30
Freday: 7:30-13:30